Proven track record of our highly stock-incentivised management to execute the right investments to raise productivity and profitability - thus generating value for investors.
With the sale of the Windows and Climate divisions, Arbonia's management has completed a lengthy transformation process. Starting with the first investments, through production consolidation and relocation, to the sale of the divisions, a loss-making business unit was transformed into a profit-generating one. Including these investments, a value of more than CHF 350 million was created for the shareholders, including the senior management of Arbonia. In the case of the Board of Directors, 50% of its remuneration is paid in shares and the Group Executive Board in turn receives 50% of its variable remuneration in shares. In both cases, a vesting period of 4 years applies for shareholders.
Currently (as of 31 July 2024), the shareholdings of the Board of Directors, group and senior management (also with a share component in the variable remuneration) amount to around 3.9% of the share capital. With this orientation, Arbonia ensures that the management creates value in the long-term interest of the shareholders.