Dr. Carsten Voigtländer
1963, German citizen
Graduate in mechanical engineering, Dr. Ing. process engineering,
Non-executive member of the Board of Directors since 12 April 2019. 1989 – 1994 research assistant at the Institut für Thermodynamik of the Technische Universität Braunschweig (D), 1994 – 2002 various management positions at Neumag GmbH, Neumünster (D): development, project management, Managing Director Technology, management spokesman; 2002 – 2006 CEO of Neumag and member of management at Saurer GmbH & Co. KG, Neumünster (D); 2006 – 2009 CEO of Oerlikon Textile GmbH & Co. KG, Remscheid (D); 2009 – 2018 Managing Director Vaillant GmbH, Remscheid (D): 2009 – 2010 CTO, 2011 – 2018 CEO and Chairman of the Management Board. Since 2018 various consultancy, administration and supervisory board mandates as well as owner of Voigtländer Board Advisory, Mühbrook (D). Dr. Carsten Voigtländer has never been part of the management board of Arbonia or one of its Group companies. He has no material business relationships with Arbonia or its Group companies.
Further activities and vested interests: member of the Board of Directors of Behr Bircher Cellpack BBC AG, Villmergen AG; senior advisor of INNIO Jenbacher GmbH & Co. OG, Jenbach (AT); member of the Board of Directors of Electrolux Professional AB, Ljungby (SE); member of the foundation board of Friedhelm Loh Stiftung & Co. KG, Haiger (D); member of the Board of Directors of Stulz Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH, Hamburg (D); Chairman of the advisory board of Oikos International GmbH, Schlüchtern (D); member of the supervisory board of Testo Management SE, Titisee-Neustadt (D); member of the supervisory board of ecoworks GmbH, Berlin (D); active as an advisor for various companies, whereby his activities as an advisor does not present any conflict of interest with the Arbonia Group.