Peter Barandun
Chairman of the Nomination and Compensation Committee
1964, Swiss citizen
Executive MBA HSG
Non-executive Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors since 17 April 2015 (2014 – 2015 non-executive member of the Board of Directors). 1995 – 1996 Head of Sales Switzerland / member of the management board of Bauknecht AG, Lenzburg; 1996 – 2002 Managing Director of the divisions Electrolux and Zanussi Electrolux AG, Zurich; since 2002 CEO of Electrolux Switzerland / Chairman of the Board of Directors of Electrolux AG, Zurich. Peter Barandun has never been part of the management board of Arbonia or one of its Group companies. He has no material business relationships with Arbonia or its Group companies.
Other activities and vested interests: Chairman of the Board of Directors of Electrolux Holding AG, Zurich ZH and of Electrolux AG, Zurich ZH; Vice Chairman of FEA (Swiss Association of the Domestic and Industrial Electrical Appliances), Zurich ZH; Vice President of the Swiss ski association Swiss-Ski, Muri near Bern BE; member of the Board of Directors of Fundamenta Group Holding AG, Zug ZG.